For over half a century BBC Children in Need have been raising money for young people in the UK that need help. Every year our homes take part in raising money by doing fun activities/events that the staff and residents can enjoy.
Lets take a look at what some of our homes got up to this year…
Ladydale enjoyed their day sporting Pudsey ears and bright yellow t-shirts, whilst enjoying some yummy Pudsey cakes. One of their lovely staff members (pictured above) kindly allowed them to dye his hair bright pink as part of the “pink rinsed volunteer”, which apparently the residents found highly amusing! Their target was £126, however they managed to raise an impressive £295!
Pudsey visited The Clough (aka a member of staff dressed in a very impressive Pudsey onesie ;)) and gave all the residents a little gift. They spent the day playing games and eating some yummy treats in their PJ’s and have so far raised over £100.
The staff had a cosy day at Wellfield dressed in their PJ’s. They raffled of gifts to raise money for BBCCIN and raised £70.The Laurels raised £160 by spending the day taking part in the Joe Wicks PE challenge. A lot of fun was had by all taking part in the fun games/challenges. They uploaded video’s on Facebook for all their loved ones to enjoy watching at home.