We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. – George Bernard Shaw
Throughout lockdown our wonderful staff in our homes have been working hard to keep spirits high for our residents. They have been creating new activities which has been filling our homes with laughter, joy, and lots & lots of fun! With the help of technology we have found new ways for our residents to keep in touch with loved ones through video calls, daily posts on our homes Facebook & Twitter pages and some of the homes have been creating very fun, heat-felt entertaining TikTok videos.
Here at the Pearlcare HQ we have been coming up with lots of ways to keep spirits high for our staff and to show them how much we appreciate their hard work during these difficult times. We have been sending them lots of yummy treats such as chocolate hampers and Easter Eggs to enjoy and the staff with kids received beautiful colouring sets along with a ‘thank you’ note from the residents for letting their mummy & daddy come to work. However, we know (from experience) that yummy treats don’t last long so we wanted to come up with a way to bring all the homes together, staff and residents and give them something fun & exciting to look forward to every week. Thus, we reveal to you… The Pearls of Wisdom Quiz.
Every week we create an online quiz with a different topic, so far the topics have been; Baking, Around the World, Sports, The Movies and this week it is all things Music. Every Wednesday at 11am staff & residents from each home are gathered around their screen (laptop, desktop, TV or iPad device) to take part in real time against the rest of the Pearlcare homes.
We can’t express how much fun this has brought to our homes and although we initially created the quiz for lockdown, however due to popular demand from all the teams we will be continuing with the Pearls of Wisdom quiz for the foreseeable 🙂
Here’s a post on Facebook from one of our homes after last weeks quiz…
“We did today’s Pearlcare quiz with our lovely ladies today, and honestly, we did not stop laughing the whole way through. I wish people could have witnessed the atmosphere at this table at lunch time, we haven’t laughed this much in a long while 😍❤” – Sandford Care Home
We set each home the fun task of coming up with a team name for their home, here’s a look at the team names:
Woodland Foxes
Quizzy Mc’Clough’s
The Bootiful Acle Troshers
Heatherside Heroes
Mucky Duck Masterminds
The Laurels & Hardys
All Hail The Dales
Lifes A Beach
Alberts Incredible Army
Angels of the Knights
Never gonna quiz you up
Freckleton Frillies
The Quarantined Queens
The Spratslade Potty Potters
The All Hail the Dales Team at Ladydale The Never gonna quiz you up Team at Sandford